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Saturday, May 30, 2020

The Father in Sons and Lovers - Literature Essay Samples

â€Å"I would write a different Sons and Lovers now; my mother was wrong, and I thought she was absolutely right.† (Jeffers 296)This line betrays D. H. Lawrence’s eventual realization about his maternal fixation. As a corollary, it might be implied that he regretted villainizing his father. However, critics have maintained that Lawrence was too severe upon himself—perhaps he was unable to grasp the import of the novel upon a reader who didn’t share his personal associations, or that his genius had unconsciously rendered an objectivity into his work which he failed to recognize himself. As Aruna Sitesh confirms, â€Å"Sympathy for Walter is scattered all through the novel.† (494)In Walter Morel, one finds the predicament of a simple-minded man stuck in an incompatible marriage with a woman who possessed a greater sensibility than he did. â€Å"What he felt just at the minute, that was all to him. . . . His nature was purely sensuous, and she strove to make him moral, religious. She tried to force him to face things. He could not endure it—it drove him out of his mind.† Clearly, a situation mirrored in the later Paul-Miriam relationship; but returning from the digression, Gertrude â€Å"was too much his opposite. She could not be content with the little he might be, she would have him the much that he ought to be. So, in seeking to make him nobler than he could be, she destroyed him.† (Lawrence 18, 20) This distance continued to grow along with the children as the mother diverted her aspirations towards them (her elder sons in particular), resulting in a marriage where the transitory passion of youth had long evaporated, the one which had impulsively brought the mismatched couple together. As Thomas L. Jeffers explains:â€Å"It is an attraction of opposites the pale civilized lady startled yet warmed by the ruddy native collier marked in the too-brief but unforgettably vivid scene at the Christmas dance. Though passionately happy with him during the first months of their marriage, she soon decides that, since he has been less than honest about his fiscal status and has proved fonder of the pub than of her company at home, he is no good, and her marriage has been a mistake.† (299)Nonetheless, it is clear throughout the text that Walter continued to love Gertrude. He couldn’t bear to see his position usurped by his sons, and yet he was helpless against his overbearing wife. As a result, he consoles himself in the company of his fellow colliers, â€Å"relieving the tedium of their lives with alcohol.† (Murfin 472) In relation to this, there is an interesting observation that the â€Å"masculine place is also distinctly feminine . . . it is the orifice of the earth that everyday the colliers â€Å"die† into and are â€Å"born† out of. This crinkled â€Å"womb† swarming with men, horses, and mice has enabled Morel to incorporate the feminine si de of his self†. One finds an echo of this cathartic sentiment in Lawrence’s Nottingham and the Mining Countryside, where he claims that the miners â€Å"knew each other practically naked, and with curious close intimacy, and the darkness and the underground remoteness of the pit â€Å"stall,† and the continual presence of danger, made the physical, instinctive, and intuitional contact between men very highly developed, a contact almost as close as touch.† (Jeffers 295, 296)At home, the alienated husband tried to assert himself in vain, leading to brutish moments which further contributed to his estrangement. What heightens the tragedy is the fact that he lacked the sensitivity and awareness to comprehend the problem. For instance, when he flung the drawer at Gertrude, he was overcome with guilt and shame even if he didn’t express it, and the following lines depict his inner turmoil and attempts at self-justification: â€Å"‘It was her own fa ult,’ he said to himself. Nothing, however, could prevent his inner consciousness inflicting on him the punishment which ate into his spirit like rust, and which he could only alleviate by drinking.† (Lawrence 49) Thus followed his inevitable descent into alcoholism, which of course further marginalized his position.On the other hand, the shrewd self-righteous wife was fully aware of the situation, and simply gave up on her husband. â€Å"There was this deadlock of passion between them, and she was stronger.† She knew that his statements such as â€Å"I’ll make you tremble at the sound of my footstep.† (Lawrence 49, 43) were nothing but empty threats. She was aware of his tenderness and instinctive nature, and thus, in a manner of speaking, she had an absolute emasculating hold over him—something against which he tried to rebel but never succeeded. Therefore, as a foil to Walter, Gertrude projected herself as the victim, and in fact she was a ctually convinced about it. However, to the reader it is evident that the individuals must bear the blame mutually.Of course, the real guilt might be traced to the 19th century English ethos, which led to â€Å"pointedly historical circumstances of maternal domination in Victorian and Edwardian households† along with moral restraints and notions of social decorum, which forced unhappy couples to abide in their marriage in spite of daily heartbreaks. Moreover, as a material aspect, â€Å"the stultifying routine in factory, mine, or shop and the dominance of the mother in the verbal nurturance of the children had between them left the father with little to offer in conversation or storytelling† (Jeffers 293, 293), rendering him a nominal head of the family with no actual involvement. For the wife and children would unconsciously view him solely as the provider, and thus endure him as if out of compulsion. Eventually, everyone involved reconciled themselves to the situati on. In the case of the Morels, Walter â€Å"did not care any longer what the family thought or felt. . . . The family withdrew, shrank away and became hushed as he entered. But he cared no longer about his alienation.† (Lawrence 49-50) As for Gertrude, â€Å"she was more tolerant because she loved him less. . . . standing more aloof from him, not feeling him so much part of herself, but merely part of her circumstances she did not mind so much what he did, could leave him alone. . . . autumn in a man’s life. His wife was casting him off, half regretfully, but relentlessly; casting him off and turning now for love and life to the children. Henceforward he was more or less a husk. And he half acquiesced, as so many men do, yielding their place to their children.† (Lawrence 54)Therefore, while the family took each other for granted, Walter’s amiable nature comes to the fore in his interactions with the outsiders, as with his friends, or Gyp or Clara. For the rift at home was too great to be repaired, as reflected by Walter’s dilemma when Paul fell sick: â€Å"The father waited undecidedly on the hearthrug for a moment or two. He felt his son did not want him.† (Lawrence 82) One finds an inherent conflict in the father—a dichotomy of feeling, a paternal love which Walter was unable to express or realize, owing to various inhibitions including notions of manhood—in effect, creating a miserable situation.As a reactionary measure, Walter resorted to annoying trifles, perhaps just so the family might take notice of him. He gave up all pretence and manners, and of course he had lost the charm of his youth; â€Å"he persisting in his dirty and disgusting ways, just to assert his independence. They loathed him.† (Lawrence 129) Yet by the end of the novel, Walter becomes a timid old man inured to his desolation. He is seen to be afraid of his wife and kids, silently acquiescing to their directions—a mos t tragic figure, a faint shadow of his past self—a personality succinctly captured by Jeffers in the following passage: â€Å"the unlettered butty who went down pit when he was eight years old, rarely sees daylight, labors under conditions physically draining and dangerous, drinks with his mates, and feels generally unwanted by his wife and children. He is also the â€Å"natural man† who, in wonderfully evoked scenes, has been famous for his lithe dancing and choir-boy singing . . . who comfortably cooks his own breakfast each morning; who walks to work through the fields and along the hedgerows, off which he may pick a stalk to chew on for the day; and who, having recruited his children to help him make fuses, tells them cunning tales about the mice and the horses in the mine.† (294)* * *Works ConsultedGoode, John. â€Å"Individual and Society in Sons and Lovers.† 1970. Sons and Lovers. Ed. Ashok Celly. Delhi: Worldview-Book Land, 2010. 463-69. Print.Jef fers, Thomas L. â€Å"‘We children were the in-betweens’: Character (De)Formation in Sons and Lovers.† Texas Studies in Literature and Language 42.3 (2000): 290-313. JSTOR. Web. 8 Oct. 2011.Lawrence, D. H. Sons and Lovers. Ed. Ashok Celly. Delhi: Worldview-Book Land, 2010. Print. All quotations are taken from this edition.. Nottingham and the Mining Countryside. 1930. Sons and Lovers. Ed. Ashok Celly. Delhi: Worldview-Book Land, 2010. 440-47. Print.Murfin, Ross C. â€Å"The Waste Land according to D. H. Lawrence: Social Forms of Conflict and Self-Conflict.† 1987. Sons and Lovers. Ed. Ashok Celly. Delhi: Worldview-Book Land, 2010. 470-86. Print.Sitesh, Aruna. â€Å"Women in Sons and Lovers.† Sons and Lovers. Ed. Ashok Celly. Delhi: Worldview-Book Land, 2010. 487-97. Print.

Saturday, May 16, 2020

Business Plan For A Business - 998 Words

Introduction Prior to initiating a business, it is necessary for the management and the people involved to make sure that a proper business plan is set out in order to understand the needs of the business. In addition to this, it should also be made sure that the market is properly analysed and all the competitors are studied before taking any step related to the new business. Every business has different needs and is initiated in a different scenario. The business plan under evaluation in this paper will be of a sports retailer. All the various aspects of a business related to sports will be evaluated and different elements will be understood in order to learn more. The purpose of evaluating and reviewing a business plan is to make sure that the right information is known before the business is set up and all the pros and cons are understood. Discussion Review of the Plan The business plan presented and prepared is brief and lacks a lot of detailed information. The business activity is described in a paragraph and lacks information about the place where the shop will be opened i.e. if the property is rented or already purchased by the owner. In addition to this, the description of the products is quite brief. The products that will be sold have been mentioned in the plan, but no specific information is given as to with how many products will the business initiate and to what extent does the business plan to increase its products for sale. Although the market size andShow MoreRelatedBusiness Plan For A Business1223 Words   |  5 Pagesyour own business is to prepare a business plan. A business plan is a written document describing your business future. It tells potential investors and customers what your goals are for the company and how you plan to achieve that. You will need to define your business, products and services, operating procedures and the route your company intends to take to achieve the goals that are set forth. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Importance of Claudius Guilt in Shakespeares Hamlet...

The Importance of Claudius Guilt in Hamlet In the first three acts of the play Hamlet, King Claudius go through a subtle, but defined change in character. Claudius role in the play begins as the newly corrinated king of Denmark. The former king, King Hamlet, was poisoned by his brother, Claudius, while he was asleep. Claudius, however, made it known to everyone that the king died of a snakebite in the garden, and thus no one knew of the murder that had just taken place making his murder the perfect crime. The only problem that Claudius must deal with now is his conscience. After Claudius commits the deed of killing King Hamlet, he almost immediately marries Hamlets wife, Queen Gertrude. Claudius also†¦show more content†¦First they think that Hamlet is lovesick over Polonius daughter, Ophelia, but after the king spies on Hamlet and Ophelia in conversation, he comes to the conclusion that Hamlet is mad, a threat to his rule, and must be sent to England to be executed. This is a sign of the kings uneasiness over the mettle of Hamlets anger which is directed towards him. The last thing that Claudius wants is for Hamlet to be unhappy with him, in fear that Hamlet will overthrow him, discover the murder, or possibly kill him. The king becomes increasingly nervous as time passes, making him a bit paranoid over Hamlet. By the beginning of Act III, Hamlet is almost ready to kill Claudius, but he still needs more proof that Claudius killed his father, and he also wants to put off the murder because he is a bit of a coward. Claudius is beginning to lose his composure. Hamlet decides to set a trap for him in the form of a play. The subject of the play is the murder of a king by his brother who, in turn, marries the kings wife. The plot of the play is strikingly similar to the circumstances of King Hamlets murder, which strikes a disharmonious chord in the conscience of Claudius. 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Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes

Question: Discuss about the Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes. Answer: Introduction Leaders are the ones who are responsible not only to shape an organization but also shape the future of the employees (Neumann and Neumann 2013). Hence, it is important that a leader is able to understand the need of the organization as well as the employees and then plan the actions so that the business is benefitted (Du et al. 2013). The report will evaluate the leadership style of Andrew Penn, the CEO of Telstra and his way of working when it comes to handling the business and the employees. His ideas will be extracted from various online sources. The leadership style will then be put into the theories of leadership. A personal reflection will help the reads to understand the changes that could be done in Penn if there is another person in place of Penn as the leader. The report wills start with the description of Penn. His activities and ideas will throw light on the actions he has taken in the past and the way he transitioned in the present. The leadership theories will be discussed next. The actions taken by Penn will be compared with the leadership theories and models. It will be helpful in understating the style that Penn followed in the organization. Finally, the personal reflection will talk about other ways of handling the employees and some other aspects of leadership styles that might have affected the employees in a better and different manner. The personal reflection will not point out the negativity in Penn but will talk about actions that might have been better than Penn. Description of the leader, industry and context Telstra is one of the fast growing telecommunications and Technology Company in Australia (telstra.com.au 2016). Telstra provide over 7.0 million voice services, 17.2 million mobile services and 3.4 million retail fixed broadband services in Australia. Andy Penn worked as the group executive international and chief financial officer of Telstra before becoming the chief executive officer on 1st may 2015. The career span of Andy Penn is for 30 years. Andrew worked with AXA before joining Telstra. It was due to the leadership of Andrew Penn that AXA was able to build strong platform in Asia. The platform was sold to the parent company in the year 2011 for $10.4 billion. Penn has the fellowship of the chartered association of Certified Accountants. He holds a MBA degree from Kingston University, London, he graduated from Harvard business school in the advanced management program. Andrew Penn not only thought about business but also looked after the corporate social responsibility of an organization and contributed in a number of charitable activities. He is serving the position of the life governor and foundation board member in the organization very Special Kids. In addition to his engagement with Very Special Kids, he is serving as the member of the bug issue advisory, the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation Advisory Council and he is also an Amy Gillet Foundation Ambassador. In addition to his CSR activities, Andrew Penn is interested with visual arts as well. He is always supportive towards the programmers of Telstra with national gallery of museum, the national aboriginal and Torres Strait islanders are award and the museum of contemporary art (telstra.com.au 2016). Penn mainly believes in the growth of the organization where he is serving (Ramli 2015). He believes that if they are able to win the trust of the customers, then they will be able to develop a long-term relationship with the customers. Once the customers will be satisfied with the business of the company, they will be loyal to the company and the company will be able grow with the help of the loyalty of the customers (Garca-Morales, Jimnez-Barrionuevo and Gutirrez-Gutirrez 2012). He believed in team building and has threatened the competitors that they are ready to sacrifice the profit of the company to build a strong customer base. Penn is ready to give short term sacrifices to gain long term results. As Telstra is having a number of competitors from the market, he is aiming at developing a strong mobile network that would help them to gain more customers. It might result in losing out to the competitors in the short run. As he wants to develop a strong mobile network, hence the company has to wait for long until they are able to develop a proper network that would be helpful the customers with a better experience of the mobile than other brands that are currently operating in the market. Andrew Penn loves taking challenges. He hailed from a financial background when he joined at Telstra. In a meeting he said that he had the choice to continue in the financial market in his career but he chose to switch to Telstra, which is into telecommunications (UNSW Australia Business School 2016). Thus, it can be seen that not only the employees to take up challenges but he takes up challenges and tries to prove him in tough situations. He takes the inspiration from many of other leaders and never steps back from appreciating others. He talks about Elon Musk and mentioned that the person is younger than him, yet he achieved much more than him. He openly said that he takes inspiration form a person who is younger than him, yet achieved more than him. The idea that Andrew Penn likes to think about the society and it is clearly visible when he says that the world has advanced in terms of technology, however, one entity should not leave behind another entity for moving ahead. He talks about the fact that the adoption of technology helps an organization to move ahead of another. The one who adopts the technology in a better manner goes ahead and functions well. On the other hand, there are people who are unable to keep track of the technology, which may not be intentional but may be for the lack for the resources. However, it is the duty of the people who are able to avail the technology to help the people who are not avail the same (Choudhary, Akhtar and Zaheer 2013). Telstra suffered a major loss before David Thodey took over as the chief executive. The flagship of David Thodey is now being carried out by Penn. Penn is open to the innovations. From the fixed line to the mobile services, he understands the fact that the industry is constantly changing and prepares him as well as the employees with the changing environment of the industry Evaluation of the leader Andrew Penn operates the situational leadership when it came to managing the employees and handling the situation. He understood that the market for the mobile network is not right as there are a number of competitors present in the market (Aydin, Sarier and Uysal 2013). Hence, he thought to wait for the moment and suffer loss rather than jumping into the competition. He believes that they need to develop themselves so that when they come into the market, they will be the best in the market. The four main division of the situational eldership are: Delegating Supporting Selling Directing It starts when the leader just comes in the group and the members of the group have least idea about the leadership style and qualities of the leader (Lin et al. 2015). The leader is neither directive nor supportive. This phase is called the delegating stage. In the second stage, the leader and the members start knowing each other. The leader supports the members of the group and the leader is low on direction (Choudhary, Akhtar and Zaheer 2013). The second stage is called the coaching stage. The third stage is the coaching stage where the leader is highly supportive as well as highly directional. The individual understands the problems with the employee as well as the market and guides the employees how to go about in the market (Garca-Morales, Jimnez-Barrionuevo and Gutirrez-Gutirrez 2012). The final stage is the directing stage where the leader is highly directional but not so supportive. The employees by the fourth stage have a clear idea about the work and might not need the sup port. Penn believed that the competition for the mobile network in the market is tough and they need to prepare themselves to get hold of the market. Thus, he found the situational leadership style the best suited style that will help him to tackle the employees and the business (Moriano et al. 2014). Traits of transformational leadership in Andrew Penn The traits of transformational leader are also present in Andrew Penn. He not only makes the employee to take up works of challenges but himself gets involved in the challenges (Shahhosseini, Silong and Ismaill 2013). He did not continue in the same field for long and joined a completely new industry mainly to try out a different field. He took up the challenges to try his career in a new field, which is the biggest trait of a transformational leader (Rajbhandari et al. 2014). A transformational leader always talks about changes for the betterment (Giltinane 2013). A transformational leader never wants anything to become stagnant and find out way to make things interesting for self and for other who are working with the leader (McCleskey 2014). He breaks away from the traditional ways of working and looks for new ways to do business. Andrew Penn has all these qualities and hence he can be rightly called a transformational leader. Some other qualities of transformational leader is also present in Andrew Penn. Andrew Penn talked about the fact that the entity who is moving ahead of the others should also take into consideration the entities that are not able to keep a pace. A transformational leader not only thinks about the progress of the self but also thinks about the progress of other (Rabarison, Ingram and Holsinger Jr 2013). Similarly, Penn not only talks about the self but also about other entities that might not be able to get the help of the technology. A transformational leader trains the co-employees so that the co-employees are able to work in a better manner and able to work in better positions (Pashiardis 2014). Andrew also told in a meeting that the entities that are able to use the technology well should think about those entities that are not able to get hold of that and should never leave the other entities behind Personal reflection According to me, the steps taken by Andrew Penn are commendable but there are certain loopholes in the steps taken by peen. It is good that Penn thought about the longer relationships and was ready to sacrifice the short-term profit but he should also think about the short term profit. The employees should feel motivated by achieving the short-term goals, which will help them to get motivation for achieving the long-term goals (Gregoire and Arendt 2014). To keep the employees motivated about their work, it is the duty of a leader and hence, being the leader of an organization, he should think about the ways to keep the employees motivates in their work (Chemers 2014). If I would have in the place of Penn, I would have worked for the short-term goals as well as long-term goals. The employees need to feel motivated that they are able to achieve the shorter goals, only then they will be able to concentrate on the long-term goals(Neumann and Neumann 2013). It could given more preference on the long-term goals but should have kept short-term goals to make the employees motivated for the future. Along with the transformational leadership, Penn also followed the situational leadership. The situational leadership is mainly about guiding the employees towards proper management of the task. At times, the employees become over-dependent on the leader when every tight situation arrives in the organization (Du et al. 2013). The employees turn to the leader for every support and helped. If I was the leader, I would have encouraged the employees to solve the issues themselves rather than taking all the decisions myself. In this way, the employees would have known the ways to solve their problems. Once the employees become over-dependent on the leader, it harms the company in the long run (Aydin, Sarier and Uysal 2013). The first three stage of situational leadership helps the members as the leader is guiding them and helping them in their work. In the final stage, the employees do not get any support (Wang et al. 2013). This might hamper the business as the employees will get used to the directions and support that have been provided by the leader. If at the final stage, suddenly the employees have to work by themselves, they might not be able to tackle the situations (Lin et al. 2015). As a result, I would have guided the employees but let the employees take the decision. If they were not able to take the decision properly, I would have guided them but not entirely and helped them to develop their confidence in work. Conclusion After going through the activities and the steps taken by Andrew Penn, it can be concluded that Penn follows a situational and transformational leadership. Penn mainly thought about the long-term goals in the organization rather than the short-term goals. He guided the employees win such manner so that they are able to handle the immense pressure that will come from the competitors. Penn believes that it is the duty of the stronger entity to support the weaker entity. He feels that none of the entity should be left behind if something is not accessible by any entity. Penn likes to challenges and hence he shifted to Telstra from an entirely different field to Telstra. It has been found that the traits of situational and transformational leadership. He guides the employees of the organization to deal with the competition in the external market, which is the trait of the situational leadership. On the other hand, he only thinks about the development of himself but also about other membe rs, which is a trait of transformational leadership. However, my personal reflection regarding Andrew Penn is quite commendable. He handles the employees well and takes intelligent decisions for organization. However, I felt that guiding the employees in every step will result in over-dependency of the employees on the leader. They might not be allowed to take decision in the final stage and hence, if I would be in the place of Penn, I would have asked the employees to take decisions by themselves. The final decision might not be of the employees but unless they will be confident in their work, they would not b able to develop properly. In addition to this, I would have kept short-term and long-term goals. the employees would have them motivated by achieving the short-term goals and would be more prepared for the long-term goals. References Aydin, A., Sarier, Y. and Uysal, S., 2013. 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